Category Archives: Candidate Forums

Citizens For a Fair Ferndale to Hold School Board Candidate Forum

Citizens for a Fair Ferndale (CFF) will hold a Candidate Forum for the upcoming Ferndale School Board election. The forum will take place at AJ’s Café (240 W. Nine Mile Rd, Ferndale) on Sunday, April 19 at 2pm. Candidates will have the opportunity to fill out a questionnaire prior to the event, which will provide an over view of their experience and platform. CFF will post the candidates answers on the group’s website: Public attendees will also have the opportunity to submit questions to the candidates.

Citizens for a Fair Ferndale is hosting a “Meet the School Board Candidates!” afternoon

Sunday, April 29, 2:00 – 4:00 pm at Karma Tea, 309 W. Nine Mile, Ferndale.

Citizens for a Fair Ferndale has invited both of the School Board candidates to present their views and opinions and to answer questions from the Ferndale community.

Katrina Collins and Darcy McLoughlin are running unopposed.

We have solid support for our schools BUT the school board still has a number of issues that require both long and short term decisions. Each citizen of Ferndale needs to understand why these candidates have chosen to run for these positions and what each see as priorities for our schools.

For information on the Forum, contact Ann Heler at 248-547-4692, moderator for the Forum, or the Chairperson of Citizens for a Fair Ferndale, John Sterritt at 248-541-1434.